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Nigerian Wrestler Destroy Ex-WWE Big Cass to Retain World Heavyweight Title

By Olamide Oyetunji - Wrestler of Nigerian descent Quinn Ojinnaka has successfully defended his Impact World Championship in the latest Impact Wrestling pay-per-view. Quinn Ojinnaka featured in one of the matches of the Impact Wrestling "No Surrender", an event which was scheduled for two nights.

The first night saw the current Impact World Champion "Moose" engage a former wrestler of World Wrestling Entertainment Big Cass who is now known as William Morrissey in a one on one after few weeks of intensed rivalry.
Brian Myers joins the commentary team for this match. Moose runs into Morrissey. Shoulder Block Exchange. Forearm Exchange. Rockers Punches. Moose with clubbing blows to Morrissey’s back. Lariat Exchange. Moose delivers Two Spears. Morrissey tumbles to the floor. Moose rolls Morrissey back into the ring. Morrissey avoids The Spear. Morrissey drops Moose with The Big Boot. Morrissey PowerBombs Moose.

Moose regroups on the outside. Morrissey repeatedly whips Moose into the steel barricade. Short-Arm Reversal by Moose. Moose with The Uranage Slam through the time keepers table. Moose sends Morrissey face first into the steel ring post. Moose resets the referee’s ten count. Morrisey with The Big Boot. Morrissey PowerBombs Moose on the ring apron. Morrissey gets distracted by Myers. Morrissey rolls Moose back into the ring.
Morrissey goes for a PowerBomb, but Moose counters with a Hurricanrana. Moose with a Corner Dropkick. Chop Exchange. Moose dropkicks Morrissey. We had a collision in the center of the ring. Morrissey goes for a PowerBomb, but Moose lands back on his feet. Moose ducks a clothesline from Morrissey. Moose connects with The Spear for a two count. Morrissey’s arm was under the bottom rope. Morrissey hits The Pop Up PowerBomb for a two count.

Moose had his foot placed under the bottom rope. Morrissey argues with the referee. Morrissey tees off on Moose. Moose drives Morrissey back first into the turnbuckles. Moose puts Morrissey on the top turnbuckle. Moose with a straight right hand. Moose and Morrissey are trading back and forth shots.
Moose with The SuperPlex. Moose pops back on his feet. Moose plants Morrissey with The Misdirection Spear to pickup the victory via pinfall.

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