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Heartland FC Coach Fidelis Ilechukwu appeal to Nigerian Media on the use of headline

By Oladele Emmanuel - Heartland FC coach, Fidelis Ilechukwu has appealed to Nigeria media on the use of headline. The former MFM manager took to his Facebook wall on Monday night to make the appeal to Nigerian Journalists in what he titled, "Ilechukwu appeal to Nigerian Media to be soft on the use of headline."

The football manager added that, "our Journalists are fantastic people, they are really trying in projecting the National teams, the various leagues, coaches and players but they need to do more in the area of headline I don't know but I think they can do better.

I will like to appeal to Nigerian media to please be soft on the use of headline. Headline is really causing a lot problems amongst football lovers in Nigeria."
In my opinion Ilechukwu may be right, sporting activities are currently on suspension, so journalists are trying to repackage existing articles, therefore need to cover them with a flashy headlines to keep fans updated with the game, but sporting activities are gradually returning and things will normalise in the media.

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