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Opposition Watch : Wilmots want 100,000 euros per month

                                               Photo Credit : dzfoot

It was on the agenda, the president of the federation, Mohamed raouraoua went directly to Brussels on his return from gabon where he had attended the draw of the Afcon 2017
to meet Marc Wilmots. Initial choice of the FAF, the former coach of the Red Devils, currently unemployed, spoke with Mohamed raouraoua the terms of his possible arrival as the head Coach of Desert Foxes,replacing Milovan rajevac, the party in the wake of the draw against Cameroon (1-1) in the conditions that we know. In addition to the objectives to be achieved - Mohamed Raouraoua waited the draw to know the faith of Algeria in Gabon 2017,to meet Wilmots and his working conditions, he was naturally questions to negotiate to address the financial aspect, important point of this meeting.

In deciding to give it a shot with marc Wilmots, Mohamed Raouraoua knew that the salary received by the Belgian as the head Coach of Red Devils was of the order of 65,000 euros per month.Or 5000 euros more than Christian Gourcuff. It is therefore in the strings of the FAF. But FA President is surprised to see Wilmots ask outright double.

Raouraoua not ready to make such an effort ?

No doubt strong proposals which he has received from Germany (Wolfsburg and Schalke-04), Marc Wilmots has set the bar very high. The Belgian has indeed demanded a salary of 100,000 euros net per month.A request which didn't go down well with Mohamed Raouraoua, who settled in advance a certain bar not to exceed.

He made an offer, Wilmots promises an answer within 48 hours !

This unsuccessful first meeting does not definitively close the Pursuit of  Wilmots of which is highly rated by Mohamed Raouraoua. As the latter will have to go to Cairo starting this Saturday, he agreed with the Belgian reflect on everything on the phone on Sunday. In other words, he gave Wilmots 48 hours of reflection with the hope to see him review his financial requirements to the decline.

Schalke and Wolfsburg Improved their deals ?

Even if some coaches and Belgian observers are skeptical about the arrival of Marc Wilmots, it remains that coach who met Raouraoua seems well packaged by the proposal and the purely sports project presented by the boss of the FAF. Only, his entourage wants to give himself time to think and consider other offers in the image of those that come from Schalke 04 and VFL Wolfsburg, considered to be very interesting.Wilmots becomes financially difficult to approach to be the head coach of Algeria.

Broos: "Marc Wilmots still has much to prove, I have no advice to give him !

The coach of Cameroon, Hugo Broos, refuses to advise his compatriot Marc Wilmots, who requested a time of reflection to the FA President.In this regard, the ex Kabyle will say: "as a club coach."As a club coach, Marc Wilmots has yet to do. You can not really judge him on his journey to Sint-Truiden and Schalke 04. We'll see what's going to happen to him, but he knows that the day where he finds a club that will be very different from what he knew with the Belgian team.

"If Algeria ask him to come ? I will advice him to go because they are a very team !

"I have no advice to give him. Marc Wilmots knows enough football to know what he has to do. But here in Africa, it is very different from what is done for example in the Bundesliga. At first, he must close our eyes to a number of things that don't work very well in terms of organization. But all this falls into place little by little. There is already a big difference with what I saw at the beginning. We have to adapt to this different culture. That said, if the Algeria offers him to come... So yes, I tell him to go because in terms of football, they really have a very good team."

"Teams like Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire and the Egypt are above the rest but..."

Being called upon to deliver Afcon 2017 trophy,Hugo Broos said: "normally teams like Algeria, Ivory Coast and Egypt are above the rest but Cameroon has a chance too. In these kind of tournaments, anything is possible. The euro, no one thought that Wales would eliminate Belgium..."

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