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Aisha Falode drags Gara Gombe to Court, Demands N1bn For Defamation

By Desmond Ekwueme - Nigerian sporting fraternity which has known relative peace since Sunday Dare took charge as Sports Minister may have been thrown into another round of crisis following the suit filed by NFF board member and Women League chairperson, Aisha Falode against a former board member of Nigerian Football Association and former chairman of Gombe Football Association, Alhaji Ahmed Shuaibu Gara Gombe.

In the suit filed in an Abuja High Court, Falode is demanding for a staggering N1bn as claim for defamation by Gara Gombe, who according to Falode stated in a radio programme that the Women League Chairperson was not elected but appointed....which negates the legal status of her position on the board of the NFF and her designation or appointment as Women League Chairperson.

Alhaji Gara Gombe Shuaibu

Aisha Falode

Investigation has revealed that Gara Gombe response to Falode's court summons through his counsel may be challenging the legality of her appointment on the board of the NFF.

The NFF could be dragged into the matter given that there had been about four previous matters addressed by the High Court, Appeal Court and Supreme Court over the legality of the leadership of the NFF following the dark shadow cast of the transformation from the NFA to NFF.

Indeed, this case has the trappings of a tsunami even as it looks very ordinary on the surface. It has the capacity to exhume issues swept under the carpet over the years. Old wounds may be reopened for fresh blood or bleeding. The stains or splashes of this blood could soil the robes of many.

It could be a case of the hunted chasing the hunter. It may end up as the battle of the blind where free punches are thrown and "stray punch" could hit anyone.

We may be in for another uneasy ride in the sporting circle or sector....People should have learnt to let the sleeping dog lie.

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