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Independence Day Message: Unity the Key to Nigeria Greatness

"A Nation Of Pride And We Will Thus Say Nigeria, Good People, Great Nation." Our Unity As A Country Will Aid Our Progress and Greatness. Regardless of our Religion, Ethnicity, Group And Region, Our Togetherness Will Bring Peace And Harmony That Enhance Progress. "A House That Is Divided Against Itself Shall Not Stand."

Freedom In Our Mind, Faith In Our Hearts And Memories In Our Souls. Lets Salute Our Nation On This Memorable Day, Especially To Our Past Heroes, Those Who Laid Down Their Lives To Make Our Country Breath This Day, Let's Never Forget Their Sacrifices, Others Might Have Forgotten, But Never Can We.

It Is Time For Us To Show Our Freedom, Let Us All Fly Above The Sky With Our Flag ( Green White Green) Like The Eagle We Are, Let Us Be Heard Far And Near, And Enjoy Our Independent With Harmony.
We All Should Take A Pledge That Till Our Last Breath, We Will Fight Againt Terrorism, Against Evil, Against Corruption, And We Will Protect Our Country With All We Have.

May Our Dreams Of A New Tomorrow Come True For All Of Us Now And Always And May We All Be United Just Like The Spirit Of Football Which Brings People From Every Race And Tribe Together.  From Nigeria Football And Others Media Wishing You All A Happy Independence Day Celebration. #ONELOVE.


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