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Attention All SWAN Members

By Tosin Omojola - My attention has been drawn to a statement, issued and signed by one Olaolu Fawole, claming that the Management of Shooting Stars Sports Club (3SC) of Ibadan, has barred journalists from covering home matches of the club.

May I inform you that before he came up with this false claims, Fawole called me on phone, ezpressing his willingness to come for the game against Katsina United.

Having explained to him the simple process to gain entry, he expressed dissatisfaction with it and I told him to visit the club's secretariat, so that he can table his case.

He did not, for reasons best known to him, deciding instead, to release a misleading information.

As funny and childish the claims may be, I am using this medium to debunk the report.

I will not waste my precious time, writing an epistle over this trivial matter but just to put the record straight.

Please, all genuine members of SWAN should ignore false claims that the management of 3SC plans to bar journalists from covering home games of the team.

You will note, that during the first match against Akwa United, every sports journalist who showed up to cover the game, gained entry without stress.

No member of SWAN, faced any difficulty or was denied entry into the stadium as wrongly claimed by Fawole, who was not even at the stadium on that day.

I challenge Fawole to publish names of SWAN members who were denied entry during the match against Akwa United.

On his claims that we are dealing with 'non SWAN members', I will like to remind Mr Fawole that the same members he described as unknown, recently held their SWAN week, where Nigeria's Minister of Sports, Sunday Dare was physically present and was honoured.

Like what happened during the first match, we have made adequate plans, through the availability of press pass for members of SWAN both within and outside the state for the encounter.

We have been liasing with the appropriate SWAN body in the state even before the season commenced on how to ensure that  SWAN members face no hitch of any form, in the discharge of their duties, which was clearly evident in the way and manner with which the issue was handled two weeks ago.

You can even ontact the secretary of the Oyo State FA, Mr Kehinde Ojelowo, to confirm this.

Let me restate here to sports journalists, wishing to cover the matchday four game and subsequent matches of our darling team, that proper arrangement has and will always be made, in conjunction with the recognised leadership of SWAN, for easy access. into the arena.

The management of this club, is a friend of the media and will never take any step that will hinder members of the fourth estate of the realm from doing their job.

Once again, I implore you to please, ignore any information that does not come directly from the club, get to the stadium, make contact with the leadership of the association (SWAN), present your identity card,  get your pass, go in and do your job accordingly.

God bless you all.

Up Shooting

Up Stars


Tosin Omojola

Media Officer, 3SC

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