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Opposition Watch : Rolland Courbis is Plan-B for Algeria

As we stated in our previous publications,the new coach was supposed to be announced this weekend. The FAF, through its president, Mohamed Raouraoua, had negotiated with the former coach of the Red Devils,Marc Wilmots, in order to convince him to take care of the Algerian national selection and replace the Serb, Milovan Rajevac, who resigned from his post in the wake of underperformance against the indomitable Lions in Blida.

The Belgian technician is interested in a position with selection challenge because he will have to lead the desert foxes to possible Afcon glory and meet the World Cup qualifiers where he will have as his main objective.Only, until yesterday, Marc Wilmots did not respond to the proposal by Algeria FA.

Meeting the FA President,Mohamed Raouraoua on Friday,Marc Wilmots promised to reply on Sunday or at the latest Monday. So ,Today is the deadline for the Belgian technician to give his answer to the Federation.For its part, the federal body are not going to wait for too long as the Nigeria-Algeria match is fast approaching and becoming important after the draw against Cameroon.

So, in case Marc Wilmots will not give answer today to FAF or in the case of the failure in negotiations, the president of FAF Mohamed Raouraoua, will pass squarely at plan B. According to our information, plan B would be the former coach of OM and USM Alger,Rolland Courbis,who met president of FAF in Paris before Mohamed went to Gabon to attend the Afcon draw

Nevertheless, the entourage of Marc Wilmots evokes a certain preference for the Bundesliga. This does not mean that it shuts out the Algerian selection, including the sports component interested him.But financially speaking, it must be said that the proposal received from Germany, precisely Wolfsburg, is very interesting.It is this component that pushed the former coach of Red Devils to prefer Germany. In any case, everything will be clear today.

Photo Credit : dzfoot,

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